Adding a new content page to PrestaShop 1.5
Prestashop sungguh mengesankan, kekaguman saya terutama dalam aspek Search Engine Optimization. Pada semua halaman atau redaksional text CMS page Anda dapat menjadikannya SEO Friendly. Prestashop memungkinkan Anda melakukan setting CMS page agar mudah di-index oleh mesin pencari atau dilacak oleh robot mesin pencari (seperti Googlebot etc.).Meskipun PrestaShop memiliki seperangkat halaman standar CMS page (laman CMS), termasuk : Pengiriman (Delivery), Pemberitahuan Hukum (Legal Notice), Tentang kita (About Us), dan lainnya, Anda tetap dimungkinkan untuk menambahkan halaman tambahan CMS ke situs toko online Anda.
PrestaShop allows the adding of additional pages via a tool called CMS (Content Management System.) Adding a new content page to PrestaShop 1.5 is a very simple, user-friendly process.Bagaimana Menambahkan Halaman Baru CMS di PrestaShop 1.5.x.x?
- Login (Masuk) ke Dashboard (Papan Admin) PrestaShop 1.5.x.x
- Gunakan “top menu bar” dan pergi ke : Preferences tab >> CMS option.
- Maka akan ditampilkan halaman CMS categories seperti di bawah ini. Carilah halaman-halaman dalam Category section dan klik saja tombol hijau Add New di sudut kanan- atas.
- Anda akan dibawa ke jendela Edit CMS Pages, dimana Anda bisa memasukkan detail-detail halaman CMS. Disini Anda tetap perlu memikirkan penggunaan kata-kata kunci yang menjadi Andalan website Anda dan memasukkannya pada field (bidang) yang harus diisi dan tidak boleh kosong, seperti :
Meta Title (the page title) and Friendly URL, which fills in automatically when you enter the title.
Be sure to select the Enable radio button to display the page, otherwise PrestaShop 1.5 will hold it as a draft copy.
- Once finished! Klik tombol Save yang letaknya ada di bagian atas layar.
- Hasilnya Anda pun sudah memiliki halaman baru CMS yang ditampilkan dalam daftar halaman CMS “Pages in This Categories.”
You have now successfully enabled the Friendly URL setting in PrestaShop 1.5------------------
How to edit Information pages in PrestaShop 1.5
After installing PrestaShop 1.5 and setting up your Contact Us information in the sidebar and footer, you can begin adding content to the default Information pages that PrestaShop 1.5 has created for you. The default Information pages are Delivery, Legal Notice, Terms and Conditions of Use, About Us, Secure Payment, and Our Stores. In this article we will use the About Us page as an example, but all of the pages will follow the same steps.To edit the Information pages in PrestaShop 1.5:
- Using the top menu bar, hover over the Preferences Tab and select CMS from the dropdown.
- Under the CMS categories section there is a list of pages under Pages in this category. To the far right of the screen, for each page there are icons. The icon that is shaped like a paper with a pencil on it is your Edit icon. Click the one appropriate for the About Us page. This brings up the PrestaShop 1.5 CMS Editor.
From the CMS Editor you will see different areas you can edit for each page such as title and metadata, the metadata helps with search engine placement for each page of your PrestaShop 1.5 store. Under that is the editable content section where you can edit the information for the page display. You can place any information here you want about your company by either following the default information on the page or by removing it and placing your own custom design. - Once you are finished you will want to save the information by clicking on the green Save button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. This will save your Information Page and allow the new changes to display on your PrestaShop 1.5 store.
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