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Remove Tidserv Activity 2 (Uninstall Guide)

Tidserv Activity 2 is Norton's IPS signature designed to inform you about the network activities initiated by a Trojan horse called Backdoor.Tidserv (alias Alureon, TDSS, TDL) and to prevent further damage from happening. IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) protects your computer from exploits that attempt to install malicious software, in this case Backdoor.Tidserv, via known software vulnerabilities. It's a very sophisticated malicious code and a serious security threat. It uses an advanced rootkit that can intercept system functions to hide itself and bypass antivirus detection. This Trojan/rootkit combination redirects search results, displays advertisements and leaves your computer wide open to web attacks. Your anti-virus software or Windows system utilities may also report high memory and CPU usage for ping.exe. Ping.exe write-up.

Norton does a good job of protecting people, however, certain intrusion attempts and malicous code require manual removal. If you see an alert saying "Threat requiring manual removal detected: System infected: Tidserv Activity 2", it means your computer is infected by Backdoor.Tidserv and you need to use additional utility that allows removing sophisticated combination of backdoor Trojan horse and rootkits. Norton has developed the Backdoor.Tidserv Removal Tool. Kaspersky Lab has the TDSSKiller utility. Both tools can be used to remove Backdoor.Tidserv infection and to stop an intrusion attempt message Tidserv Activity 2 triggered by this malware. To remove this malware from your computer, please follow the removal instructions below. Good luck and be safe online!

Tidserv Activity 2 / Backdoor.Tidserv removal instructions:

1. Download Backdoor.Tidserv Removal Tool.

2. Close all running programs. Double-click the FixTDSS.exe file to start the removal tool.

3. Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run. Remove found malware and close the program. That's it!

4. Then download and execute TDSSKiller. Press the button Start scan for the utility to start scanning. It will detect and cure found malware automatically. A reboot might require after disinfection.

5. Finally, scan your computer with anti-malware software to make sure that your computer is virus free.

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