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Yahoo Unveils New Logo

Since the hiring of Goggle's executive, Marissa Mayer by Yahoo Inc., 1 year and 2 months ago, the company had undergone series of positive transformation which include the buying of Flickr, Tumblr among others, the rapid transformation of yahoomail giving it a more modern look and feel.

The latest of these transformations  is the unveiling of a new Yahoo's logo.

It almost as though Yahoo is undergoing a cleansing or a revolution with the steps that Yahoo's CEO Marissa is taking. This is the first time the yahoo logo would really see a change since 18 years it had been created. You would note that instead of the purple look of the logo, Yahoo used to be a red Yahoo logo.

Not only has Yahoo changed since Marissa took over as CEO, many acquisitions and partnerships have been born and they are all doing well. This is just to show the leading ability of Marissa and her plans to revive the once web giant.


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