You'll be surprised at how many apps are running invisibly on your phone even when you've tried to close everything. List of all running apps includes the % of installed apps that are running, and attributes such as which apps start automatically when the phone starts up. Also view a list of all installed apps with running ones marked.
Built-in apps or parts of the OS are shown in green, 3rd-party software in white.
Click on an app to zoom in on details. Start background apps that don't have icons, such as features that have stopped working due to errors causing their background processes to terminate. Also, many times a newly-installed app fails to work until after a reset just because its background component did not start. You can try starting it manually rather than doing a phone reset just to get it to start automatically.
Users have reported detecting apps they were sure they had uninstalled, but that remained invisibly loaded and running. Apps and free trials can create hidden apps that stay on the phone after deletion and start automatically every time you reset.
Icon indicator refreshes when home screen shown, but not excessively. It should not have a noticeable impact on battery life or responsiveness, but if you wish you can easily turn off automatic icon updating.
Version: 1.5.1
File Size: 61 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download What's Running in My Phone v1.5.1
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