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The most beautiful News Anchor in the world

beautiful news anchor in blog website design Mostly Credited As: Erin Burnett
Sometimes Credited As: Erin Isabelle Burnett
Birth Name: Erin Isabelle Burnett
Date Of Birth: March 17, 1976 (Age 35)
Country Of Birth: us flag icon USA
Birth Place: Mardela Springs, Maryland.
Source:  http://www.tvrage.com/person/id-207118/gallery/?view=78909 

Why is Erin Burnett famous ?

Profesinya adalah News Anchor (pembawa berita) bisnis CNBC dan host  reporter jaringan TV kabel program “Street Signs”  dan co-Hosts “Squawk on Street” bersama Mark Haines. Dia sering tampil di stasiun TV MSNBC dalam program  “Morning Joe show” sama halnya dengan tampilannya pada siaran-siaran NBC dalam program “Today and Nightly News with Brian Williams.”

Erin Isabelle Burnett news anchor in website designnews anchor Erin Isabelle Burnett in website design
Lulus boarding  school St Andrew, Middletown Delaware tahun 1994. Melanjutkan ke Williams College, Williamstown Massachusetts, studi Ilmu politik dan ekonomi. Ia raih Bachelor of Arts tahun 1998.

Karir diawali sebagai Investment Banking Analyst  Goldman Sachs, menempatkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dalam praktek bisnis finansial. Pada tahun 1999, dia dipekerjakan oleh CNN sebagai penulis dan Guest Booker program moneyline. Ia segera meninggalkan CNN untuk posisi wakil presiden di Citigroup/CitiMedia, ditugaskan di jaringan berita online keuangan Citigroup, menargetkan investor ritel dan institusional hingga  2003 karena disewa sebagai News Anchor  Bloomberg untuk Program Market di TV Bloomberg sampai 2005.

Mengutip dari CNBC TV Profiles:
Burnett fokus report bisnis global dan host Live Show untuk 5 benua. Dia membawakan laporan khusus dari Irak, Libya, Mesir dan Kongo.  Karya dokumenter primetime; "India Rising: The New Empire," "City of Money and Mystery," "The Russian Gamble," "On Assignment: Iraq" dan "Dollars & Danger: Africa, The Final Investment Frontier."

Anggota Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri dan masuk 40 Top Fortune dibawah usia 40, tahun 2009.

Melissa Theuriau Beautiful News Anchor France TV

Melissa Theuriau    jurnalis cantik dengan bayaran tertinggi dan news anchor TV M6 Perancis. Theuriau lahir 18 Juli 1978 di Échirolles, Grenoble, Perancis.  Tahun 2008 lahir anak hasil perkawinannya dengan komedian Jamel du Bouzi berdarah Maroko.

Video dan image klik MELISSA THEURAU.

Najwaa Shihab News Anchor – Metro TV Indonesia

indonesia news anchor nadjwa shihab

Najwaa Shihab
Born in Makassar, September 16th 1977

METRO TV. The first TV news channel in Indonesia, broadcasts 24- hour news. It is often referred to Indonesia’s CNN. Served as reporter, producer, anchor and a program owner since 2000 until now.
Program Owner. Managing, producing and hosting her own weekly program Mata Najwa. The show takes a smart look at politics and currents issues of the week with interviews with newsmakers.
Anchor. Anchored Metro TV’s prime time evening news “program Metro Hari Ini” and the prime time talk show “Today’s Dialogue” and “Save Our Nation”, a weekly newsmakers forum. These programs are broadcasted nationally and influential to the policymaking process in Indonesia. Granted the first and exclusive interview with the current President and previous three presidents and vice presidents of Indonesia, as well as leading international figures, such as Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President, Anwar Ibrahim, the former Deputy PM of Malaysia, right after his release from the prison. Granted.
Producer. Produced a weekly talk show Today’s Dialogue, talks on current issues with newsmakers. Produced special roundtable dialogs on highly debated and controversial issues.
Reporter. Served as reporter for the legal and political desk. Assigned as reporter in the Offices of the President and Vice President, this includes participation in the international state visits. Undertook numerous assignments to report on various political and legal issues These included the Yogyakarta’s Earth Quake in 2006; the Peace Agreement Aceh- GAM, Aceh, 2006, the sessions of the MPR during political turmoil in 2001, 2002, and 2003; and The Aceh-Nias Earth Quake and Tsunami 2004. The first TV journalist reporting live from the devastated Aceh one-day after the Tsunami hit the area. This report won 2 awards including an acknowledgement as “one of the contributing factors that help the drive for national and international support for Aceh “.
RCTI TV. Indonesia’s first private owned TV station. Selected as an intern to undertake news gathering and reporting in Jakarta. (Jan-March 2000)
news anchor Indonesia najdwa shihabAWARDS
Most Inspiring Women in 2011, Kartini Magazine (2011)
Iconic TV Personality, Amica Glamorama Reader’s Choice Awards (2011)
Nominee for Indonesia’s Most Favorite News Presenter at the 14th Panasonic Gobel Awards (2011)
Best Television Reporter, Indonesian Journalist Association Jakarta Branch (2005).
Masters of Law, Faculty of Law University of Melbourne (2009)
Bachelor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, majoring in Legal Practice and awarded ‘Honored Student’ (1996-2000)
Broadalbin Perth High School, New York USA (1994-1995)
AFS -USA International and Intercultural Program (1994-1995)

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