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Fan Mail


Anne Cole has sent you a message.
Date: 10/05/2012
Subject: Puzzle master of the modern age
Hi Tom,
Somehow linkedin decided that we should be "linked". How this happened I have no idea, BUT my husband, David who refuses all frivolities such as facebook, etc. has talked about you for the last few months as being his idol. He faithfully reads your blog, he checks out all your recommendations and he tells me that you are one of the smartest people around. Even I, a violinmaker who has no time for puzzles, is at the moment addicted to Beecells. David looks forward to your Blog every day and admires your abilities and work ethic from afar. David thinks of you as his friend and I am sure lots of other folks do as well! Keep it up!!
Anne Cole

Anne & I have since exchanged emails and compared high scores in BeeCells. Mine is 452, Anne's is 757 and David has cracked 1500. Reality check: I think Anne & David have proven to be much smarter than I.

Check out Anne's website: http://annecoleviolinmaker.com/

Update 10/9: my new high score for BeeCells is 484.

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