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Remove System Progressive Protection (Uninstall Guide)

System Progressive Protection is a fake antivirus program that claims to scan your computer for malware and displays fake security warnings "your PC is infected", "viruses and malware found", etc. Cyber crooks prey upon people's fears to steal either money or valuable information willing that someone will buy it. In other words, malware authors use unethical software distribution and marketing practices to deceive you into paying for completely worthless and malicious application masquerading as legitmate computer security software. Do not pay for it and do not enter your credit card details or any other sensitive information while your computer is infected. System Progressive Protection itself doesn't have any spyware modules but we all know that such fake antivirus program are rarely distributed without Trojans and rootkits.

Fake antivirus software is still common today but it's not a major problem for most users. System Progressive Protection belongs to the Winwebsec malware family. It's not the most aggressive or widely spread scareware family but it has some really steady records and it still holds the top positions when it comes to infected un-patched machines.

System Progressive Protection is very common fake security software. It can not replicate and it has to be installed manually most of the time either running the executable file or running some malicious code in your web browser. Once installed, the rogue antivirus program displays bogus messages announcing that your computer is infected with spyware, viruses and other malicious software. Most rogue antivirus programs use names that sound trustworthy. For me, System Progressive Protection isn't very trustworthy name or at least is doesn't sound familiar.

When running, System Progressive Protection scareware displays bogus messages announcing that certain applications are infected, Task manager for example. Of course, it blocks legitimate security products so if your antivirus program didn't stop the rogue program then it probably won't work throwing some error message or something like that. The good news is however System Progressive Protection doesn't work in Safe Mode with Networking, so you can easily use recommend anti-malware software to remove System Progressive Protection from your computer.

Here's a screenshot of what the fake payment web page looks like:

There's this nice product box. Also, a 100% money back guarantee logo and common Visa and Master card logos. As you can see, a total price for System Progressive Protection lifetime license is about 90 bucks. It's a very expensive antivirus product.

System Progressive Protection has a support page as well (sys.cougarsupport.net). Too bad they do not follow their own guidelines, especially their refund policy.

Another unique thing about Winwebsec malware family is that most rogue apps have working or partly working uninstallers. They are available via Add/Remove programs. However, when the computer is infected the user cannot uninstall it. So, there's a uninstaller but you can't use it to remove the rogue program until your pay for a full version. This is the way it works :)

To remove System Progressive Protection from your computer, please follow the removal instructions below. There are three simple ways you can remove this virus. The first removal method is probably the easiest: using cracked registration key + anti-malware software. Scroll the page down to find the key. The second variant is also easy but it may take longer and unfortunately it may not work for all users due to additionally installed malware. And finally, you can remove the rogue program manually yourself without using any anti-malware software. But this isn't a good idea because there are many chances you will leave some malicious code on your computer and the rogue program will come back. So, even if you remove the rogue application manually, you will have to scan your computer with anti-malware software whatsoever.

Source: http://deletemalware.blogspot.com

Quick System Progressive Protection removal guide:

1. Open System Progressive Protection scanner. Click the "Registration" button (top right corner).

Enter the following debugged registration key and click "Activate" to register the rogue antivirus program. Don't worry, this is completely legal since it's not genuine software.


Once this is done, you are free to install recommended anti-malware software and remove System Progressive Protection from your computer properly.

2. Download recommended anti-malware software (direct download) and run a full system scan to remove this virus from your computer.

NOTE: don't forget to update anti-malware software before scanning your computer.

System Progressive Protection removal in Safe Mode with Networking:

1. Reboot your computer is "Safe Mode with Networking". As the computer is booting tap the "F8 key" continuously which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode with Networking" and press Enter key.

NOTE: Login as the same user you were previously logged in with in the normal Windows mode.

2. Download recommended anti-malware software (direct download) and run a full system scan to remove this virus from your computer.

NOTE: don't forget to update anti-malware software before scanning your computer.

System Progressive Protection manual removal:

1. First of all, go to your Desktop and right click the System Progressive Protection.lnk shortcut file and select Properties.

2. Select Shortcut tab. Find the location of System Progressive Protection executable file (target location). It should be a randomly named file.

3. Browser to the executable file. Rename it, for instance to virus.exe. Restart Windows.

4. Download recommended anti-malware software (direct download) and run a full system scan to remove this virus from your computer.

NOTE: don't forget to update anti-malware software before scanning your computer.

Associated System Progressive Protection files and registry values:


Windows XP:
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS]\
  • %UserProfile%\Desktop\System Progressive Protection.lnk
  • %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Progressive Protection\
  • %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Progressive Protection\System Progressive Protection.lnk
Windows Vista/7:
  • %UserProfile%\Desktop\System Progressive Protection.lnk
  • %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Progressive Protection\
  • %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\System Progressive Protection\System Progressive Protection.lnk
Registry values:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce "[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS]"
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\System Progressive Protection\
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