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Historical Review : Oldest Photographs in the World


Sekarang ini fotografi dan film tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan kita.  Setiap detiknya jutaan hasil fotografi dan film mengalir di internet, TV, media elektronik lainnya  dan media cetak membanjiri dunia untuk mewakili dan mendokumentasikan peristiwa, keindahan dan sudut pandang lain tentang suatu obyek. Foto gambar, animasi dan video juga sangat penting dalam layout halaman website atau blog dan mejadi bagian terbesar dari material di internet.

Tetapi seperti apakah bentuk foto yang paling tua? Dan seperti apakah tayangan gambar hidup saat pertamakali dibuat dan dipublikasikan? Hasil fotografi yang paling awal dibuat pada tahun 1825. Dan produksi film atau gambar hidup (bergerak) yang pertamakali dibuat tahun 1888 berupa slide ribuan gambar untuk menghasilkan adegan film.

Foto paling tua ini (tahun 1825) tampaknya seperti bentuk sketsa obyek seekor kuda yang sedang dituntun.

Nicéphore Niépce Oldest Photograph 1825 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.comEarliest known, surviving heliographic engraving in existence, made by Nicéphore Niépce in 1825 by the heliography process.

Untuk sejarah awal fotografi dan film yang lebih lengkap, berikut ini saya reposting yang bersumber dari http://www.vyperlook.com.

Oldest Historical Photographs in the World

Here is a great article about  the Most Ancient Historical Photographs.Many pictures and two videos. Enjoy

Boulevard du Temple by Daguerre 600x431 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
The First Photograph Ever Taken “View from the Window at Le Gras” [Circa, 1826]

The First Light Picture and Human Potrait Ever Taken [Oct,Nov 1839]

RobertCornelius 457x600 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
Robert Cornelius, self-portrait, Oct. or Nov. 1839, approximate quarter plate daguerreotype which is a procedure invented in 1839 using silver on a copper plate.

Roger Fenton’s Photographic Van [1855]

Roger Fentons waggon1 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
Roger Fenton (20 March 1819 – 8 August 1869) was a pioneering British photographer, one of the first war photographers.

Bridge of Boats over Indus Attock [SubContinent 1861]

attock 600x423 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
Attock a part of Pakistan now passed one of the biggest rivers in the world, the Indus connecting the India and Pakistan largest canal system in the world  before the Pakistani Independance.

The Photo of the first Photographic Studio [1893]

Photographer studio 1893 600x414 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
A photographer appears to be photographing himself in a 19th-century photographic studio.

First Color Photograph [1861]

first color photograph Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com

Although color photography was explored throughout the 19th century, initial experiments in color resulted in projected temporary images, rather than permanent color images.

First Subtractive Color Photograph [1872]

Autochrome Lumière 600x427 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com

Before the autochrome process was perfect in France, this photograph was taken by Louis Arthur Ducos du Hauron who invented the subtractive (cyan, magenta, and yellow) color method of taking photographs.

First High Speed Photograph [1878]

muybridge horse gallop animated 2 Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
Looking Down Sacramento Street [San Francisco, 1906]

san francisco fire sacramento street 1906 04 18 tm Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com

This photo was taken on April 18th, 1906. It is the most famous photograph of the devastation caused by the great fire and earthquake. It was taken by Arnold Genthe on a borrowed camera.

Breaker Boys [Pennsylvania, 1910]

breakerboys tm Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com

This is a photograph of breaker boys – child labour used to separate coal from slate. This image helped lead the nation to outlaw child labour. The photo was taken by Lewis Hine who travelled the United States taking photographs of child labourers.

The Lynching of Young Blacks [Indiana, 1930]

1930 lynching tm Oldest Historical Photographs in the World Pictures Seen on www.VyperLook.com
This photograph was taken after the lynching of two young black men accused of raping a white girl. They were hanged by a mob of 10,000. The faces of the crowd are very telling. A third man was saved by the girls uncle who said he was innocent.

First Motion Picture [1888]

Here is the video with some others  Oldest  Historical Photographs in the World

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