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Windows Installer CleanUp Utility : solusi gagal install

Windows Live Installer

S aya punya pengalaman buruk dengan post editor yang biasa saya gunakan - Windows Live Writer ketika tiba-tiba tidak bisa digunakan dan harus reinstall. Masalah berlanjut, saya kesulitan uninstal di Control Panel Windows. Saya coba beberapa cara alternatif menggunakan TuneUp Utility 2012, Ccleaner maupun Advanced SystemCare dan GAGAL semua.  Terpaksa dilakukan secara manual dengan menghapus folder pada Programme Files di Directory C: dengan menggunakan TuneUp Shredder.

Masalah fatal baru dimulai ketika gagal meng-intall Windows Live Writer. Computer saya menggunakan system Operation Windows XP2 pack 3. Saya mencoba berbagai cara untuk reinstall dan selalu gagal. Kegagalan terjadi setelah saya menekan tombol RUN seperti pada gambar dibawah ini :

security warning install software

Memang setelah menekan tombol RUN terjadi proses instalasi Windows Live Writer, tetapi beberapa detik kemudian indikator instalasinya hilang.

Ini fatal bagi saya yang setia setiap harinya update blog-blog dengan Windows Live Writer sejak 2 tahun terakhir. Memang bagi user platform blogger atau wordPress bisa melakukan update post melalui halaman Editor. Sayangnya saya agak "gagap" karena fiturnya saya merasa kurang nyaman dibanding dengan milik Windows Live writer.

Akhirnya saya temukan solusi menanggulangi kegagalan install software setelah browsing di Google. Saya harus pakai Windows Installer CleanUp Utility untuk menghapus informasi instalasi program.

"This is my choice. There are many like him but this one is mine."

Windows Installer CleanUp Utility might be able to help

When you are working on your computer and installing a new program, the installation suddenly fails. Now you are left with a partly installed program. You try to install the program again, but you are unsuccessful. Or, maybe you have problems trying to remove an old program because the installation files are corrupted.

You can use the utility to remove installation information for programs that were installed by using Windows Installer. Be aware that Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will not remove the actual program from your computer. However, it will remove the installation files so that you can start the installation, upgrade, or uninstall over.

Untuk Download silahkan kunjungi situs ini :  http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=4459

Setelah install dan RUN akan muncul semua file instalasi, pilih file instalasi yang akan dihapus dan klik REMOVE.
Editor's note:
The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility is provided "as is" to help resolve installation problems for programs that use Microsoft Windows Installer. If you use this utility, you may have to reinstall other programs. Caution is advised. We recommend that you do not use this utility with 2007 Office system products.

Contoh penggunaan ada pada artikel ini :

Unable to Install WIndows Live Writer on XP SP3

I was using Windows Live Writer for sometime on XP SP2. After installing SP3, many programs stop working. One of them is the Windows Live Writer. I keep getting Windows Installer error and Windows Live Setup service errors in the event log.

It seems that when running Windows XP SP3 many people are having issues installing windows live applications using the windows live installer. After much googling I have come across a solution. This also solves issues that exist with the windows update service after installing SP3.

Essentially what you need to do is:

1.   Download and run the Windows Live Installer Cleanup tool from:
2.   Reboot
3.   Click START>Run and type 'command' to load the console.
4.   Type in :
                       regsvr32 wups2.dll
      Then press enter.
5.   Type exit to leave the console
6.   Download and run the windows live installer, it should now work perfectly.

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